October 7-9, 1940

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Jean-Philippe Bru, Professor and Occupant of the James M. Boice Chair of Practical Theology at Faculté Jean Calvin, graciously provided a copy of a truly historical document in the life of the Seminary.

It’s the first journal published by the Seminary (1941), which is dedicated to its opening in October of the prior year. Amazingly, this was during the Occupation of France during World War II. What a marvelous reminder that God brings light into darkness, which is no less needed in our day!

The first article is translated below. Tragically, a pastor from Marseille and lecturer at the Seminary was killed “on the field of honor”. Indeed, this was a very challenging time to launch a seminary!

Here’s a link to the entire document for those of you who read French.


Days of Opening and Retreat 
of the Free Protestant Theological Seminary
of Aix-en-Provence

 October 7-9, 1940

 The Seminary of Aix is ​​open! This significant and promising event took place in privacy and contemplation. It was preferable that a solemnity, worthy of our Churches, as well as of the university traditions of the National Union of Reformed Evangelical Churches of France, mark this memorable date with more extensive publicity. However, the present times and trials of our country have not made that possible. So, it is only in the presence of representatives of the Permanent Commission, of the Academic Commission, of the Executive Commission, of some pastors, of the professors, of the students, and the faithful of the Church of Aix that these three days of retreat and prayer took place. The opening session and the retreat were extremely moving and blessed; the past, the dear and great past, was in the spotlight, and the position of the Seminary, ecclesiastically and doctrinally, was excellently presented. 

First of all, let's talk about the setting. Just minutes from the center of the artistic and studious city, where one can tirelessly admire the old hotels with weathered stones and the beautiful fountains, near the magnificent public garden, there is the entrance gate with its inscription: Free Seminary of Protestant Theology of Aix-en-Provence. We enter the large park with golden foliage which the Provençal sun gently caresses on these autumn days. In the background, the house is bright, welcoming, and already so well furnished. Of course, the installation is not yet complete, but what touching gifts are already present, such pieces of furniture, such paintings, such books!

The reception of the Church of Aix was perfect. In Aix one realizes very quickly that the Seminary is a Seminary of the Church, received with joy and eagerness by the local Church. A large number of its members attended the various events of these three days, and the speakers truly felt uplifted by the prayers and the attention of all, both in the theological nave where we met in the morning and in the afternoon, as well as in the attractive sanctuary which overflowed with a considerable crowd in the evening.


The actual opening session was scheduled for Monday evening, October 7, at the Church. One heard there first with interest and emotion the messages of Mr. Pastor Teulon, President of the Permanent Commission, of Dr. Castan, President of the Academic Commission, after which Mr. Dean Lamorte recalled in broad outline the past, from the Alma Mater of Montauban to the new house of Aix, telling us how many obstacles were overcome, how the authorities of the city and the University of Aix facilitated everything, then presenting the program and spirit of the Seminary.

While in September there was only one student counted on, there were five enrolled at the time of the opening (and this number rose to ten in January 1941). We know that the Church of Aix will embrace the students and that this welcoming Church will offer a fertile field in which to work with its multiple branches and broad activities.


The next day, October 8, the two-day spiritual retreat began, which the Seminary Council had rightly placed before the start of work; this Retreat allowed close contact between professors and students in an atmosphere of meditation and prayer, and was an opportunity for the students to connect with the Church.

On the morning of October 8, there was a prayer meeting led by Professor Guelfucci; in the afternoon, a lesson by Professor Serr: "The Theological Student in the XVIth Century", and a lesson by Professor Bruston: “The Student before the Word of God ". In the evening, a service at the church, led by Professors Bruston, Guelfucci, Lamorte and Serr.

On the morning of October 9, a prayer meeting led by Pastor Teulon; in the afternoon, a lesson from Prof. Guelfucci: “The interior life of the student”.

The text of most of the various speeches and lessons given during these three days will be found herein.


A veil of mourning nevertheless hovered over these days, caused by the news, now confirmed, of the glorious death in the field of honor of Pastor André Albert, from Marseille, recently appointed Lecturer at the Seminary upon whom much hope was placed; captain of the Zouaves, M. Albert valiantly gave his life for the country, but his absence leaves a painful void in our Churches which will be difficult to fill.

The Seminary is now at work (its library already has 300 volumes). Christian friends, think of her, pray for her students, pray for those who have such a heavy responsibility to train them. That in the Seminary, in the Church, in every ministry, in our whole life the whole motto of the Reformation blazes:

To God Alone Be The Glory!

New Law on Separatism

France’s Protestant Committee for Human Dignity (CPDH) recently sent a letter to its members, excerpted here and translated for English readers. This letter reports on the controversial new law on separatism. While intended to curb the growth of extremism and resulting terrorist attacks, which have plagued France in recent years, this law has chilling implications for Christian churches and homeschooling families.

Dear friends of the CPDH,

…the law “consolidating republican principles” marks a shift in the state's relationship with worship, to the point where, quite rightly, the National Council of Evangelicals of France (CNEF) spoke of a “laïcité de surveillance” (surveillance secularism).

This increased control and the accompanying reduction in freedoms will result in:

Religious associations must register with the prefect every five years;

Their accounting obligations are increased. Foreign donations of more than 10,000 euros must be specially declared. The prefect may object to these when he considers that a fundamental interest of society is at stake;

Associations or foundations, which request a public subsidy, will have to undertake to respect the secular character and the principles of the Republic (gender equality, human dignity, fraternity ...) in a "republican contract of engagement". If they violate this obligation, the grant will have to be repaid. Compliance with the contract becomes a condition for obtaining an authorization or recognition of public utility;

The schooling of all children in a school becomes compulsory at the start of the 2022 school year. Homeschooling will be subject to authorization (no longer only to declaration) and granted only for four reasons: state of health or disability of the child; practice of intensive sporting or artistic activities; family homelessness; situation specific to the child motivating the educational project. But thanks to pressure from associations defending freedom of education, full authorization until 2023-2024 has been provided for families already practicing family education in satisfactory conditions.

To learn more: consult the government site (French).

Rentrée Académique

The 2021/2022 academic year is starting at Faculté Jean Calvin. On Sunday, September 12., Frédéric Bican, pastor of the Evangelical Protestant Church Biblical Action in Grasse, will speak on the theme “Anne, when peace replaces pain”. On the following day, students on campus will have a session with Frédéric Bican on the theme “Meditation on responsibility in the Church” (2 & 3 John). First semester courses will then start for students on campus.

Let’s rejoice along with our brothers and sisters at the Fac that classes will again be held in-person.

Let’s pray faithfully for God’s blessing, encouragement, and protection for its students, teachers, and staff. The French-speaking world urgently needs more well-trained pastors, missionaries, and lay-workers to serve the Lord and His Church.

Let’s partner with The Huguenot Fellowship with prayers and gifts in support of Faculté Jean Calvin.

Friend, I want you...

Paul D. Wolfe

Paul D. Wolfe

August, 2021

know you can picture that poster.

That famous Uncle Sam poster.

We’ve all seen it. More to the point—and it is pointed—he’s seen you.

He’s looking right at you with a stern gaze, and pointing right at you with an outstretched index finger, and he’s saying, “I want you for the U.S. Army.”

With that gaze and that finger, who can refuse him?!

Here at the Huguenot Fellowship we don’t exactly have an Uncle Sam equivalent. But I do have several nieces and nephews myself, which makes me Uncle Paul, and I do have some grey hair and some grey whiskers now , so I’m happy to play the role.

Friend, I want you...

...to consider the part you might play in encouraging your local congregation to contribute to the Huguenot Fellowship, and thus join us in supporting Faculté Jean Calvin (FJC) in Aix-en-Provence, France.

Here at the end of August, church budget season is just around the corner. It won’t be long before local congregations are fashioning their budgets for 2022, including the mission works they’ll support.

The Huguenot Fellowship receives around 40% of our giving from churches. Is yours one of them? If not, maybe it can become one. And maybe you can let folks in your church know about FJC to help make it happen.

Perhaps your church has a missions committee, and there’s a point-of-contact who would be interested in learning about FJC. Or perhaps the pastor is that point-of-contact by virtue of his role as one of the leaders of the church. You know best. You’re there. You’re on location. And that’s exactly why we’d like to encourage you to consider letting others know in your church community.

And we stand at the ready to furnish you with any information and materials that would be helpful to you if you want to promote the cause. (Our website— http://www.huguenotfellowship.org/—is always a very good place to start.)

And no question, it is a worthy cause! For over 45 years, the evangelical protestant seminary that is FJC has been providing solid, scriptural instruction across the full spectrum of biblical and theological disciplines, equipping its students to serve the church and make Christ known. There are very few evangelical seminaries in France today, and FJC shines among them.

Interested in serving as an ambassador for FJC in your church? Email us at hello@huguenotfellowship.org and we’ll make sure you’re equipped!

Uncle Paul

Paul D. Wolfe
President, The Huguenot Fellowship
Pastor, New Hope Presbyterian Church, Fairfax, VA paul@huguenotfellowship.org

What Are You Here For?

Aquarium Choir

Aquarium Choir

“What are you here for?”

May the Lord’s name be praised and His Kingdom come!

Across the ages, music has played an integral role in the life and growth of the Church of Jesus Christ.  It’s not surprising that a summer musical festival in the beauty of the Cévennes mountains in southern France would draw a crowd, especially with the diversity of musical presentations – children’s choir, Christian rapper, cellist with vocals…… listen.

The Festival – “Aqua tu Sers?” (What are you here for?)  from July 23rd - 25th, was the culmination of two weeks of the Aquarium Choir camp for 70 children, coming primarily from across the south of France.  This quintessential question was addressed during the weekend festival through various workshops, devotionals, the Aquarium concert, and two other concerts featuring Christian musicians from across Europe.  

 The Aquarium choir was birthed from the vision of Pastor Marc Toureille, a graduate of Faculté Jean Calvin, in 2000.   http://choraleaquarium1.e-monsite.com/     

Why the choice of “Aquarium” as the name for the children’s choir?  The image of fish in water stems from the Greek word, ICHTUS, a term used by 1st century persecuted Christians as a way of recognizing each other.  The words came to signify a Declaration of Faith with the acrostic – Jesus-Christ, Son of God, Savior.   The desire of those working with the choir is that these children, these “little fish” in the “Aquarium of Music” would, in turn, make this same declaration the cry of their heart. 

Since 2014, the ministry of the Aquarium choir has expanded to include a two-week camp in the Cévennes mountains, under the leadership of Pastor Pascal Gonzalez, also a graduate of Faculté Jean Calvin.  The impact of the choir has expanded with the production of eight CDs, and concerts in churches across the South of France, as well as in the Netherlands and Switzerland. The choir is open to any children between the ages of 4 and 16 who want to worship their Creator through song by taking a plunge into the Aquarium!

Prayer room at the Christian Conference Center in the Cévennes mountains

Prayer room at the Christian Conference Center in the Cévennes mountains

Give Out Of Abundance

Although The Huguenot Fellowship is not equiped to accept Bitcoin donations :-), we are pleased to remind you that donations in the form of stock are most welcome. Simply access the stock-gifting form by clicking here, print and complete the form, then send it to us and give a copy to your broker.

Equity markets are at close to all time highs. Please consider making a gift of stock before the next big correction! Your faithful generous support is greatly needed in helping Faculté Jean Calvin train pastors, missionaries, and lay-workers to serve the Lord in the French-speaking world. Thank you!

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. ~ 2 Cor. 9:7

Continuing to Serve in Retirement

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Faculté Jean Calvin Professors – Continuing to Serve in Retirement

Dr. Paul Wells, along with his wife Alison, served at Faculté Jean Calvin for 40 years.  The Wells share their story of how God led them to help with the very beginnings of the seminary in the Huguenot Fellowship blog post of April 16, 2021.   Paul currently holds the position of Honorary Professor of Systematic Theology, and has a new book coming out in French, “La Grace (étonnante) de Dieu” (Volume 1) – Une Théologie Biblique et Systématique de l’Alliance (The Surprising Grace of God – A Biblical and Systematic Theology of the Covenant).   The book will be published in mid-August 2021, and pre-publication orders can be made by visiting the Excelsis-Farel website - https://www.xl6.com/.

As Dr. Wells was considering the possibilities of such a project, he was aware that it was also a daunting task.   He writes: “Yet as I prayed about how to go about things, it seemed to me that I should not altogether ditch the knowledge I had acquired over so many years’ teaching & writing, but rather build on it to write something for believers today.

Since retiring from the Faculté Jean Calvin in 2012,
 I have become increasingly aware that we are deep in the unprecedented turmoil of a social and cultural revolution. The old modernist liberalism with its thought patterns is being beaten down and replaced by a new post-Christian worldview dominated by the dictates of "intersectionality".

Today the Christian faith is despised, believers are a minority, civil laws are rapidly being changed and relativism is taking hold everywhere. The old systematic theologies were written for a society in which Christianity and rationalism were more dominant, and it seemed crucial to write in a way that would take into account the new state of affairs. No doubt my work does not go far enough as attitudes continue to change, but I hope others after me will carry on the task.”

There are 56 chapters in all, each about 7-9 thousand words, with indexes. 

Volume 1 (26 chapters) consists of two parts:  1. The Specificity of the Christian Faith and 2. God: the world constructed and deconstructed.   

Volume 2 (30 chapters) also includes two parts: 3. The Mediator and the Refounding of the world and 4. The new community in Christ. 

The pre-publication offer of 26 euros is available until the end of August.   See linked document for the publisher’s announcement in French.   

The Local Church: “This is My Family”

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On June 20th, the 54 congregations of the Protestant Reformed Evangelical Church across France celebrated a common theme in their church services – “This is My Family”, using a song by this title written by Pastor Pascal Gonzalez, a 1998 graduate of Faculté Jean Calvin.

 Pascal has been pastor in the denomination for 23 years, and being gifted in music and evangelism, he and his wife, Evodie, lead a children’s choir, Aquarium, and are currently organizing a music festival – “Aqua tu Sers” – for July.  

The song gives a beautiful presentation of the reality of life in the Body of Christ, with all its wrinkles, joys and challenges, and always living under the Grace of God.   We are broken clay vessels, but our Covenant-keeping God uses us to carry the message of Gospel Hope to a hurting world.   Listen to the song here.    


This is my Family, This is my Family…..


We exhibit patience; we respect science.

We desire Truth, but not without Love.

In the two Testaments, it’s always the same God.

And always highlighting the difference between the sin and the sinner.


This is my Family, This is my Family….


Of course, sometimes we argue; we get on each other’s nerves in our discussions.

We’re not a perfect Church; we can be defeatist sometimes.

However, whatever happens, these bonds hold me fast.

They tell me: “Don’t be afraid”; you’ll always have your place here.


This is my Family, This is my Family….


Sometimes I get discouraged, I feel the storm coming;

I feel like going elsewhere, being with other brothers and sisters.

I come across other worlds, sometimes more joyful or more somber.

But I come back, and I realize again: in our Family, grace abounds!


In order to not preach in vain, keep reading John Calvin!

To stay vigilant, we need to keep re-inventing ourselves.

To keep growing, Love needs to spread like a virus.

To keep our youth dancing, we remember the Covenant.


This is my Family, this is my Family……


We have the same Father, the same Core Values,    

We are governed by a synod, with a Presbyterian structure;

We enjoy the classic hymns; we sit on benches that are sometimes quite old,

We love the Huguenot cross, our singing is not always on key;

We are reformed, but not “deformed”,

We may be a bit atypical, but we’re evangelical;

We love the Cevennes Mountains, which run through our veins,

Yes, sometimes, we get on each other’s nerves, but we live under grace!


This is my Family, this is my Family……