Paul D. Wolfe
August, 2021
I know you can picture that poster.
That famous Uncle Sam poster.
We’ve all seen it. More to the point—and it is pointed—he’s seen you.
He’s looking right at you with a stern gaze, and pointing right at you with an outstretched index finger, and he’s saying, “I want you for the U.S. Army.”
With that gaze and that finger, who can refuse him?!
Here at the Huguenot Fellowship we don’t exactly have an Uncle Sam equivalent. But I do have several nieces and nephews myself, which makes me Uncle Paul, and I do have some grey hair and some grey whiskers now , so I’m happy to play the role.
Friend, I want you... consider the part you might play in encouraging your local congregation to contribute to the Huguenot Fellowship, and thus join us in supporting Faculté Jean Calvin (FJC) in Aix-en-Provence, France.
Here at the end of August, church budget season is just around the corner. It won’t be long before local congregations are fashioning their budgets for 2022, including the mission works they’ll support.
The Huguenot Fellowship receives around 40% of our giving from churches. Is yours one of them? If not, maybe it can become one. And maybe you can let folks in your church know about FJC to help make it happen.
Perhaps your church has a missions committee, and there’s a point-of-contact who would be interested in learning about FJC. Or perhaps the pastor is that point-of-contact by virtue of his role as one of the leaders of the church. You know best. You’re there. You’re on location. And that’s exactly why we’d like to encourage you to consider letting others know in your church community.
And we stand at the ready to furnish you with any information and materials that would be helpful to you if you want to promote the cause. (Our website——is always a very good place to start.)
And no question, it is a worthy cause! For over 45 years, the evangelical protestant seminary that is FJC has been providing solid, scriptural instruction across the full spectrum of biblical and theological disciplines, equipping its students to serve the church and make Christ known. There are very few evangelical seminaries in France today, and FJC shines among them.
Interested in serving as an ambassador for FJC in your church? Email us at and we’ll make sure you’re equipped!
Uncle Paul
Paul D. Wolfe
President, The Huguenot Fellowship
Pastor, New Hope Presbyterian Church, Fairfax, VA