Graduation at Faculté Jean Calvin - 2021

Remise de Diplomes 2021 - 2.jpg

This is why we do what we do at the Huguenot Fellowship. Both on-site and distance-learning students received their diplomas on June 18th.  

The mission of John Calvin Seminary is to serve the Church by preparing its leaders with an excellent practical, spiritual and theological training, grounded in Scripture, rooted in the Calvinist tradition and in step with contemporary realities. 

Pray for these new graduates, the faculty and staff, and the Lord's ongoing work at John Calvin Seminary.

Update on the Separatist Law

The proposed separatist law, also referred to as the “Law to Reinforce Republican Values”, continues to move through the legislative system in France.  The proposed law is designed to stem radical Islam that has been at the root of numerous terrorist attacks in France, and, if enacted, would place restrictions on the freedom of worship in France.  The CNEF (Conseil National des Evangéliques de France) estimates that, if approved, any application of the law would not take place until Spring 2022, given the time to create statutes and methods to enforce the law. 

Impact France summarizes the current status of the deliberations:

Discussions have concluded and the bill is entering the final stages of the National Assembly vote which is projected to be at the end of June. The version of the law that is currently in the Assembly is NOT the version the Senate passed but the Assembly’s original bill that they approved. This final version of the bill will be sent to the Senate where the same process will take place (discussions, debates, vote).  To learn more about the evolution of the process click here (in French).

The CNEF is still working with different parliamentarians and advocating for the rights of the Church. Even if the “spirit of the law” doesn’t change, the CNEF is hopeful that the amendments and concrete measures to apply the law will not move France into a surveillance state when it comes to faith. The passage of the law is also dependent on the Constitutional Counsel – which can be another safeguard.

Click for news source and further information from

May the Church in France be faithful to Her witness, and may the Lord give wisdom to church leaders of the CNEF, in particular, as they engage with government leaders regarding the potential impact of this law.  

Day of Prayer

Faculté Jean Calvin - Day of Prayer
June 12, 2021

“…apart from me, you can do nothing.”  John 15:5

« …sans moi, vous ne pouvez rien faire. »   Jean 15 :5

 It is in this spirit of dependence on the Lord - in our daily lives, in the work of Faculté Jean Calvin, in the seminary’s vocation of training men and women for service in Kingdom work - that the Seminary Board, Faculty and Staff are calling for a Day of Prayer on Saturday, June 12th, starting at 9AM, local France time.   

From 9-10 AM, Seminary Dean Yannick Imbert will share prayer needs of the seminary. Because of the time difference (with the Day of Prayer starting at 3 AM Eastern Time in North America) and recognizing that many friends of the Seminary will be unable to join at that time, we wanted to highlight two prayer needs:

1) After much consultation and prayer, the seminary professors have embarked on a project of reworking the seminary’s academic program in order to be more relevant to the everyday realities of local churches. This is in no way a case of changing theology, but rather listening to the needs of local churches and responding with the most effective training for future servants

  • Would you pray for wisdom and clarity as the seminary team navigates this process, and that they would be led to the right people to collaborate in this significant undertaking? 

2) So many pastors in France are shepherding churches in several locations, due to the limited number of pastors.  Churches across France are needing a new wave of servants who are called to a pastoral ministry.

  • Would you ask the Lord to raise up more workers for His Church, those individuals who will faithfully bring the message of Gospel Hope to those who have never heard the life-giving message of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? May the Lord raise up those who will respond to His call.

If you are able to join the time of prayer at 9 AM in France, the Zoom link is here.

For those who read French, here is a message from FJC Board Chairman and Professor Emeritus Pierre Berthoud regarding the Day of Prayer.

A Conversation with Linda Boice & Jean-Philippe Bru

Jean-Philippe Bru, Ruth Ann Leduc, Linda Boice

Jean-Philippe Bru, Ruth Ann Leduc, Linda Boice

The Huguenot Fellowship recently launched the fundraising campaign for the support of the Willaim Edgar Chair of Apologetics at Faculté Jean Calvin seminary in Aix-en-Provence, France.  And yet, this endeavor is not new for the Huguenot Fellowship, as the James Montgomery Boice Chair of Practical Theology was launched 19 years ago. 

The legacy of former Tenth Presbyterian Church (Phila.) Pastor and Huguenot Fellowship Trustee, Dr. James Boice, continues in so many ways. Faculté Jean Calvin is one means whereby his influence continues through the ministry of Professor Jean-Philippe Bru, occupant of the James Montgomery Boice Chair of Practical Theology at the seminary.  Linda Boice and Jean-Philippe sit down with Huguenot Fellowship Trustee Ruth Ann Leduc to talk about Dr. Boice's introduction to France, the ministry of the seminary, and his enduring legacy through this endowed Chair.

Listen to this 26-minute interview to hear how God led through divinely appointed circumstances to bless His Kingdom work in France, and how that legacy continues today through the teaching of practical theology.

Proposed Law on Separatism

May the Church be found Faithful 

The proposed Law to Uphold Republican Principles crossed another threshold on April 12th as the French Senate voted to uphold the bill designed to stem radical Islam that has been at the root of numerous terrorist attacks in France.  Yet these deliberations also represent a changing dynamic for the evangelicals in France, as the proposed law will present new restrictions and oversight within the evangelical church.

As Clement Diedrichs, General Director of the National Council of Evangelicals in France (CNEF) says, “…the country’s leadership no longer has any desire to protect space for any faith.”

A joint committee of parliamentary deputies and senators will meet in May to further evaluate the bill before it is voted on by the National Assembly in July for final implementation.  

Throughout the months of deliberations, French Protestant leaders have been diligent in their discussions with the government in advocating for the religious freedoms that are so deeply engrained in French society with the separation of Church and State, while also calling the Protestant church to prayer and avoiding a mentality of victimization.  

Diedrichs says, “But since they are no longer in a Christian society, French evangelicals have to be witnesses to the gospel like the first Christians were in their non-Christian society.“

May the Church in France be a faithful witness to Gospel truth, and may the Lord give wisdom to evangelical leaders in discussions with the government.   

For further information, read this report in Christianity Today:

CT Article