Rentrée Académique

The 2021/2022 academic year is starting at Faculté Jean Calvin. On Sunday, September 12., Frédéric Bican, pastor of the Evangelical Protestant Church Biblical Action in Grasse, will speak on the theme “Anne, when peace replaces pain”. On the following day, students on campus will have a session with Frédéric Bican on the theme “Meditation on responsibility in the Church” (2 & 3 John). First semester courses will then start for students on campus.

Let’s rejoice along with our brothers and sisters at the Fac that classes will again be held in-person.

Let’s pray faithfully for God’s blessing, encouragement, and protection for its students, teachers, and staff. The French-speaking world urgently needs more well-trained pastors, missionaries, and lay-workers to serve the Lord and His Church.

Let’s partner with The Huguenot Fellowship with prayers and gifts in support of Faculté Jean Calvin.

Special Day of Prayer

Dear friends,

The particular and uncertain circumstances in which we are living, characterized by an increase in positive cases of Covid-19 and hospitalizations, the partial confinement extended to all of France and the latest abject terrorist attacks, arouse concern and disarray among the French population, including within the Christian community.

It seems to us that these ordeals, despite what our health and political authorities think, also have a spiritual dimension which goes beyond "health, daily bread and security" without however giving up on watching over and providing for them! Where to find the true meaning of life? Where to find tranquility in the midst of the anxieties of the moment? Where can we find the answer to the hideous grimaces of violence and death? Or find the courage to be messengers of comfort in the midst of anxiety, artisans of justice in the midst of the excesses of our society, of peace in the midst of present disarray, of a hope that transcends death?

To respond to these challenges which are beyond us, the members of the body of Jesus Christ, we have to engage in the fight of prayer which is at the heart of the Christian vocation. It is in this spirit that the Faculté team invites you to a day of prayer on Saturday, November 14, 2020. We invite you to choose a prayer time during that day, and to pray for the faculty, its students, and its needs.

This is urgent! It is essential to remind ourselves, and to share it with our contemporaries, that if the medical profession heals, if the body of Christ intercedes and testifies, it is indeed the Lord who heals, who gives new life and awakens, in those who trust in him, a hope that never deceives!

United in Christ, the living Lord, and in prayer,

Pierre Berthoud,
Professor Emeritus
Faculté Jean Calvin

Opening Ceremony Photos

Dear Friends,

Our meeting last evening went very well. We were 70 people around the fountain in the garden of the Faculté, well spaced and masked. We were able to hand out the diplomas which we were unable to last June!

Kim Tran
Faculté Jean Calvin

Theological Crossroads

Calling for generosity is common. Many noble causes encourage us to be generous. Caring for the poor, supporting development, as well as the great mission to which God calls his Church all require generous commitment. But what light does the Bible give on generosity? If it is indeed a characteristic of the Christian life, how is our generosity different from that which we can see practiced by our contemporaries? Does the generosity presented in the Bible, lived by Christ, require a sacrifice of our goods? How should it be practiced on a daily basis, and to whom? The generosity of the people of Christ cannot be lived without examining all of these issues. This is what we will do at Faculté Jean Calvin during the Theological Crossroads weekend of March 13-14, 2020.

Graduation Photos

The Faculté Jean Calvin 2018 graduation program was held on June 22 at the seminary. The speakers (in the order shown) were Michael Johner, Dean and Prof. of Ethics and History; Frédéric Bican, FJC graduate and pastor of a church in Grasse near Nice; and Yannick Imbert, Prof. of Apologetics and Church History. The FJC Choir provided music. Prof. Imbert presented diplomas to the graduates. The program was followed by a buffet dinner in the lovely garden of the seminary. Pierre-Sovann Chauny, Prof. of Systematic Theology is shown holding his young daughter. Prof. Imbert is shown with Pierre Berthoud, Prof. Emeritus and FJC Board President. Some of the younger children were more interested in picking snails from the plants than eating dinner! Students put on skits, this one involving Peter, the sheet let down from heaven and the voice from heaven saying, 'Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.’ It was a grand time of celebration and fellowship!

Carrefour Théologique


Please pray for the upcoming Theological Crossroads at the Faculté Jean Calvin, March 16-17. This conference will focus on The Kingdom of God in the Church and society. 

Jesus Christ began his ministry by announcing that the kingdom of God was drawing near. Since then, his followers pray for its full advent: "Thy kingdom come. " So, the reign (or kingdom) of God is at the heart of the Christian faith. But how is it to be understood? How was his coming prepared by God in the time of the Old Testament? How can one grasp the link between this kingdom and the Gospel that the Church must proclaim around her? How is the kingship of Christ in the present world different from the kingship of Caesar and other forms of temporal power? What hope is opened to us by the words "Thy kingdom come"?

These questions involve the very foundations of our Christian faith and action, and they occupy an increasingly important place in the Church today. The upcoming Carrefour Théologique at the Faculté Jean Calvin seminary in Aix-en-Provence, France will provide an opportunity to dig deeper into this subject of fundamental importance.

Link to the Carrefour brochure.