Faculté Jean Calvin - Day of Prayer
June 12, 2021
“…apart from me, you can do nothing.” John 15:5
« …sans moi, vous ne pouvez rien faire. » Jean 15 :5
It is in this spirit of dependence on the Lord - in our daily lives, in the work of Faculté Jean Calvin, in the seminary’s vocation of training men and women for service in Kingdom work - that the Seminary Board, Faculty and Staff are calling for a Day of Prayer on Saturday, June 12th, starting at 9AM, local France time.
From 9-10 AM, Seminary Dean Yannick Imbert will share prayer needs of the seminary. Because of the time difference (with the Day of Prayer starting at 3 AM Eastern Time in North America) and recognizing that many friends of the Seminary will be unable to join at that time, we wanted to highlight two prayer needs:
1) After much consultation and prayer, the seminary professors have embarked on a project of reworking the seminary’s academic program in order to be more relevant to the everyday realities of local churches. This is in no way a case of changing theology, but rather listening to the needs of local churches and responding with the most effective training for future servants.
Would you pray for wisdom and clarity as the seminary team navigates this process, and that they would be led to the right people to collaborate in this significant undertaking?
2) So many pastors in France are shepherding churches in several locations, due to the limited number of pastors. Churches across France are needing a new wave of servants who are called to a pastoral ministry.
Would you ask the Lord to raise up more workers for His Church, those individuals who will faithfully bring the message of Gospel Hope to those who have never heard the life-giving message of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? May the Lord raise up those who will respond to His call.
If you are able to join the time of prayer at 9 AM in France, the Zoom link is here.
For those who read French, here is a message from FJC Board Chairman and Professor Emeritus Pierre Berthoud regarding the Day of Prayer.