Pierre-Sovann Chauny, Prof. of Systematic Theology
My first year of teaching at the Faculté Jean Calvin has come to an end so it’s time to take stock. (written mid-2017)
I’m glad to be able to give a very positive report. I’ve enjoyed a very good working relationship with my fellow professors, the administrative team and the students, even better than I’d hoped for. In my roles as secretary for professors’ meetings and treasurer of the Editions Kerygma (the Faculté publishing house), I have learned a great deal about the way things work here, but it’s the teaching I’ve found the most rewarding.
I enjoyed the work of preparing two public lectures, one for the symposium in December 2016 on the Lausanne movement and one for the theological conference in February 2017 on faith and works. Most of my time, however, has been devoted to preparing the three new courses I teach. During the first few classes I realized I had more material than was needed and made the necessary adjustments, adopting a slower pace and taking more time to answer questions. This is something I plan to work hard at in the coming years, allowing more time for each topic and encouraging more interaction with the students.
This past year we covered the doctrines of the person and work of Christ, salvation, predestination, the works of God, man, and sin. I gave the students various types of assignments and found they came up with noticeably better results in the second semester. I will continue to look for creative pedagogical methods to help my students make progress.
Finally, I am grateful to the Lord for such a good year, and would like to thank the administrative team, the professors and the students, as they have all helped me settle in! I hope that in God’s grace next year will be as good—if not better!
Pierre-Sovann Chauny, Professor of Systematic Theology