Did you know that the Faculté Jean Calvin (FJC) offers theology classes à la carte? The idea is to make theology accessible to everyone!
Currently, 35 courses are available sur place (on campus) and 29 courses are available à distance (via the Internet). Up to six courses may be taken per semester, either with examination or without, i.e., simply audited for your edification.
A linked brochure lists the wide range of courses now offered. The à distance lectures may be listened to anytime at your convenience, but must be downloaded to your computer by June. The cost is 90 euros for each course, plus a 10 euro enrollment fee. To enroll, please print/complete/mail the attached brochure, following the payment instructions therein. OR, simply email the required information to Ms. Aguy Khayiguian (academie@facultejeancalvin.com). Payment may also be made using PayPal (payee: comptabilite@facultejeancalvin.com), but be sure to mention your name and for which course(s) the payment is sent.
Of course, the teaching is en français, but what better way to work on your French listening comprehension! Please pass the word to any francophone friends who may have an interest!