40th Anniversary of FJC

November 2014

Dear Friends,

     Warm greetings! I will continue to present the different professors in the February newsletter, in order here to bring you some marvelous news of our beloved Seminary in Aix-en-Provence.

     September 13-14th we celebrated the 40th anniversary of La Faculté Jean Calvin. On the Saturday the alumni met together and shared each other’s news. Then a round table was held with two speakers, Drs. Gerald Bray and Paul Wells, addressing the question of “Calvinism, An Opportunity for the Future of the Church?” After that we officially inaugurated the reconstructed academic building and library. I must say, the improvements are remarkable! A dinner followed and then a splendid concert, including folk singer Pat Berning, the gospel choir Gospellement Vôtre, and a jazz quartet with me at the piano.

     Sunday began with a powerful worship service at our local Reformed Church, marked by great music and a strong sermon from Etienne Lhermenault, president of the French Evangelical Council. The afternoon featured a series of speakers from Aix and from abroad, all stirring up memories and a vision for the future of the Seminary. We heard from representatives from Brazil, Holland, the United States, Switzerland, Indonesia, and of course France. They included Pierre Berthoud, Eugene Boyer, Pierre Filhol, Marie de Védrines, and Peter Lillback. Board members Collier Kirkland, Erin Eastlack, and Phil and Deb Barackman were present as well. The Barackmans led a tour to the famous local sites. Sunday evening Barbara and I hosted a soirée at which we gathered many old friends from Aix, to meet Mark Goeser, Debbie’s new husband. It was great fun and deeply moving.

     Another piece of good news is the inauguration of the Edmund P. Clowney Scholarship Fund. A foundation sent us a significant gift tagged for this cause, and we are delighted to have an endowment named after the founder of the Huguenot Fellowship, one who worked so hard toward the success of our Seminary in Aix. And, as I write there are 52 new students enrolled for the academic year. These are a few of the matters we are so thankful for. Another, and not the least, is you, our faithful readers and donors. Thanks you so much!

Very Truly Yours,

William Edgar, President