May 2006
Dear Friends,
The Reformed Seminary in Aix is a French-speaking Seminary, located in France. However, it has a truly global outreach. Here are some of the ways.
- Strategic partnerships. The Seminary officially collaborates with Emmaüs, a Swiss Bible Institute of the highest caliber. Other such partnerships include the Bible school near Paris called Nogent. Aix partners in less formal ways with F.A.T.E.B., an evangelical seminary in Bangui, Central African Republic. This academy has a strategic location, as the country borders with Sudan, the Republic of Congo, Cameroon, and (the volatile) Chad.
- Professors’ connections. Most of the professors at Aix travel regularly to various locations inside and outside of France. Paul Wells has recently been to Korea, the United States, Romania and Quebec, among other places. Pierre Berthoud, also a world traveler, was just in South Africa for the World Reformed Fellowship. Michel Johner delivers lectures on Christian ethics in a variety of settings. Our teachers also publish widely.
- Students’ connections. To begin with, the student body is remarkably international. Also, once a year, in February, every M.Div student is sent out for internships in various settings and in various places. The wonderful seminary choir also tours regularly, bringing the gospel to great numbers through music. One of the graduates and his wife, both Kabyle converts from Islam, currently work among thousands of Christians in Algeria (estimates place the number of Christians there between 60,000 and 80,000, and at some services there are 500 in attendance).
And the stories can be multiplied. In our global village, despite the dangers, opportunities for ministry are far greater than the supply of servants to minister. A nice problem to have, but a problem nevertheless. Any help to support this planetary outreach through Aix would be gratefully received.
Very Truly Yours,
William Edgar, President