Letter from Yannick Imbert

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With the temporary closure of the Faculté Jean Calvin, it became even more vital to pray for one another. Even if all of our students can now follow all of their courses from a distance, everyday life has been transformed. Some students were unable to return home, others get used to working remotely. For everyone else, studies add to this exceptional situation. Pray that God will keep and protect those who work in the hospital world. Pray for trust and peace: may our way of life be a witness to our faith!

During this period of confinement, the professors continue to work on the reform of the academic and pedagogical vision of the Faculté. Fundamental reflection is necessary if we are to remain faithful to our will to serve the Church. Following this same impetus, the Faculté announced the creation of two ThM (Master) programs in English. The first, devoted to biblical interpretation, will start in September 2021 and the second, focused on "public theology", will start in September 2022.

Pray that these new projects will nourish the vision of the Faculté and serve the Church of Jesus Christ!

Yannick Imbert
Professor of Apologetics
President, Kerygma Editions


FJC Campus Activities Suspended

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Dear friends of the Huguenot Fellowship,

According to the latest French government dispositions about the coronavirus (covid19), as of last Monday, we are under the obligation of suspending our activities on Campus.

All residing students have now access to their courses at a distance (via our audio platform) and all staff members are now working at home (teleworking) as much as possible.

We do not yet measure the impact these dramatic circumstances will have upon the economy of France, but also on the finances of the Seminary. We are presently considering the possible measures we might need to take so as to overcome this unexpected trial and we are confident the Lord will show us the way for us (the Seminary team) to fulfil the mission the Lord has given us,

We thank you for praying with us as we face this major crisis just as we will continue to pray for you as you face the same predicament. May the Lord give us wisdom and continue to watch over us all in France as well as abroad in the coming weeks and months so that we can all fulfill our callings, and specifically the Faculté Jean Calvin as it carries on its teaching ministry for the furthering of His kingdom in France and beyond. 

Warmest greetings to all in our Savior Jesus Christ, the sovereign Lord of the universe, of the Churches and Institutions we represent as well as of the lives of each one of us. Our destiny is indeed in His hands!

United in Christ Jesus,

Pierre BERTHOUD - President - Emeritus Professor


Kim TRAN - Director

Not Afraid of Bad News

Paul D. Wolfe, President

Paul D. Wolfe, President

He is not afraid of bad news.

Really? He’s not? He’s not afraid of bad news?

No, he’s not.

“The man who fears the Lord,” says the Psalmist, “is not afraid of bad news. His heart is firm, trusting in the Lord” (Psalm 112:7).

I thought of this Bible verse this morning when I glanced at my phone (alas, the early morning phone glance) and the very first headline that greeted me was, well, viral:

“France confirms 19 new cases as officials declare epidemic inevitable.” Cases, that is, of coronavirus.

It’s a fast-moving story, especially in Europe. By the time you read this, days from now, will the numbers be higher? Lower? Will the situation be more fearful? Less? I’m no forecaster of such matters.

But what I do know is that when you’re reading this Psalm 112:7 will still be true. Those who know and fear the Lord, they need not fear bad news. Not because there’s no bad news in this world. (Obviously there is. Everything from global pandemics to personal heartbreak.) And not because the Christian is insensible to such things. (He’s not. The night before he died Jesus himself recoiled at the thought of what was in store for him, and we servants are not greater than our Master.) But we need not fear bad news in the sense that even the worst that comes our way, our wise and loving Father in heaven will have appointed it for our eternal good.

In the lovely town of Aix-en-Provence in the south of France, there’s a seminary we love, La Faculté Jean Calvin (FJC). And there, in campus classrooms and in conversations over café, faculty and staff are training men and women to grasp the gospel of Jesus Christ in a fearful world so they can go forth with it in the midst of every kind of virus and see people set free. Free from paralyzing fear. Free from the guilt and power of sin. Free from the thought that something they breathe in might be their undoing.

The Huguenot Fellowship’s raison d’être is to support FJC—with prayer, with encouragement, with financial support. Here in 2020 they need it all, just as we do! So we’ll continue to stand with them.

Join us, won’t you?

Yours in Christ,
Paul D. Wolfe

P.S. I’m grateful to the many who have reached out to me upon my becoming President of the Huguenot Fellowship to express your support. M erci, mes amis! Never hesitate to contact me with questions, observations, ideas: 703.385.9056; paul@newhopefairfax.org. The door to my office is always open.

Theological Crossroads

Calling for generosity is common. Many noble causes encourage us to be generous. Caring for the poor, supporting development, as well as the great mission to which God calls his Church all require generous commitment. But what light does the Bible give on generosity? If it is indeed a characteristic of the Christian life, how is our generosity different from that which we can see practiced by our contemporaries? Does the generosity presented in the Bible, lived by Christ, require a sacrifice of our goods? How should it be practiced on a daily basis, and to whom? The generosity of the people of Christ cannot be lived without examining all of these issues. This is what we will do at Faculté Jean Calvin during the Theological Crossroads weekend of March 13-14, 2020.

Study at FJC in English

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The Huguenot Fellowship is very pleased to inform you that Faculté Jean Calvin now offers a new master’s program expressly for English speakers. Registration is now open for the 2020-2021 academic year. This may be a wonderful opportunity for you or someone you know. Please Help Share This News!

The Master of Theology in Biblical Interpretation program offers specialized training in biblical exegesis (Old or New Testament). This program in English includes a semester of modular seminars and a semester of dissertation preparation.

The first semester includes research seminars on various topics in the fields of exegesis, biblical languages ​​and the history of interpretation.

The dissertation topics can be selected from all areas of biblical interpretation: Old or New Testament, languages ​​(Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic), textual criticism and ancient versions, biblical theology, hermeneutics, and the history of interpretation.

This program offers the rare opportunity for in-depth study of the Old and New Testaments with international scholars in the land of John Calvin.

Two areas of specialization

Old Testament

The Old Testament track includes a required course called « Panorama of Biblical Exegesis », in which different research models are presented from a Reformed point of view. Seminars include topics in biblical theology, in-depth exegesis, and theories of interpretation. The academic year ends with a thesis in Old Testament.

New Testament

The New Testament track similarly includes a « Panorama of Biblical Exegesis » class. Research seminars include perspectives in biblical theology, exegesis of specific passages, and the history of interpretation. The academic year ends with a thesis in New Testament.


  • MDiv in theology, or equivalent

  • English proficiency: minimum TOFEL test score of 100

  • Completing the application form

  • Completing the financial information form

  • Statement of christian life

Study Fees = 4000 € per year

Quand Dans La Nuit

Kim Tran

Kim Tran

Kim Tran is the multi-talented Directeur (head of operations) of the Faculté Jean Calvin seminary in Aix-en-Provence, France. He kindly provided a marvelous video performance of a French Christmas song.

Click on Quand Dans La Nuit.

To view the lyrics and translation, click here.

Merry Christmas from The Huguenot Fellowship

Passing the Baton

William Edgar

William Edgar

November, 2019

Dear Friends,

After more than thirty years of writing these newsletters, I will be moving to pass the baton over to our splendid new President, Paul Wolfe, although occasionally I may collaborate. I wish to express my profound gratitude for the opportunity the newsletter has afforded me to reflect on the need for the gospel in France, and especially to the kind readers, many of whom have expressed their appreciation. For the moment we do not plan any radical changes. So, the remaining text will be authored by Paul, in his maiden foray. Again, many thanks.

Very Truly Yours,
William Edgar

Paul D. Wolfe

Paul D. Wolfe

And with that, I take the baton from Bill and I start running. And I hold on to Isaiah 40:31 as I get going: “they shall run and not be weary”!

As some of you are aware, at the most recent meeting of the Huguenot Fellowship, Bill Edgar brought to a close his lengthy and faithful tenure as our President. And the Board elected me to the role after him. (Thankfully, Bill and his wonderful wife Barbara will remain on our Board and continue to lend their wisdom and creativity.)

I suppose a word of introduction is in order. I have had the privilege of serving on the Board of the Huguenot Fellowship since 2015. The congregation I serve as Senior Pastor, New Hope Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Fairfax, Virginia, supported the Huguenot Fellowship for many years prior to my joining the Board, and has continued to do so. My wife Christy and I live in Fairfax with our three children, whom we have promised to take to France on vacation soon. And they are most unlikely to let us forget the promise!

The opportunity to serve the Huguenot Fellowship in this new capacity is simultaneously humbling and exciting for me. The seminary’s ministry is vital, my fellow Board members are fantastic, and the need for the gospel in France (of which Bill has already made mention) is great.

Which brings me back to Bill. Surely words of honor are in order too.

The Huguenot Fellowship was founded in 1977 for the purpose of rallying support here in the United States for the Reformed seminary in Aix-en-Provence, France, now known as Faculté Jean Calvin (FJC). That means it’s been 42 years! Forty-two years of getting the word out about FJC and supporting it from across the Atlantic. Forty-two years of newsletters and prayer, soirées and more prayer, receiving contributions from donors far and wide and providing crucial financial assistance to the seminary—and more prayer. And for thirty of those forty-two years, Bill Edgar has wisely led and guided us.

And he’s been uniquely qualified to do so. Bill has brought to the role of President his “perfect storm” of experience, wisdom, and dedication: not only did he grow up in France, but then he taught at the seminary in Aix for eleven years before moving his family to the United States in 1989 to teach at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. Bill knows France well: its language, its history, its people, its mindset. His ties to FJC have been close, strong, and long-lasting. Most of all, he’s spent a lifetime teaching and defending the very gospel that FJC continues to inculcate into the hearts and minds of its students. It would be difficult to overstate the impact Bill has had during his long service as our President.

As a way of marking this moment of transition in the life of our organization, would you consider contributing a special financial gift this year in honor of Bill’s service—a gift not only to support FJC in its ongoing mission, but also to express your gratitude for Bill’s extraordinary decades-long leadership? You may do so...
By mail: The Huguenot Fellowship; P.O. Box 877; Glenside, PA, 19038.
Online: Visit www.huguenotfellowship.org, and follow the “Contribute” link in the upper right.

Faculté Jean Calvin stands as a beacon for the gospel in France today, and the Huguenot Fellowship remains resolved to see that light shine for generations to come. Keep standing with us, dear friends!

Yours in Christ,
Paul D. Wolfe