As we recently celebrated just over 500 years since the Protestant Reformation we felt grateful for one of the most important treasures this movement entrusted to future generations: submissive and intelligent commitment to the Bible, the ability to discern the truth in the text, to distinguish between good and bad interpretations and to listen to the voice of God revealed in the Scriptures. The spirit of the Reformation leads us into thinking in a way that is captive to Christ and his kingdom, wholly other than all imposed dogmas and issues pushed by the contemporary powers of "this world". If the church is to fulfill its calling, it must remain faithful to this inheritance. Should the church stray from its true vocation, it is liable to fall prey to the pressures of power groups, ideological factions and economic trends.
The Kingdom of God is based on a different mindset from the one that governs the social and political fabric of this world (Mk 10:35-45).
The principles of life and the norms of behaviour that correspond to the calling of the church must be governed by Christ’s mindset. As we remember the Reformation ideal, we can affirm that the church is, or should be, a community that hears in the Biblical text a voice that speaks louder than the multiple voices in society which seek to control the way we think and behave.
And such is the vocation of the Faculté Jean Calvin: to keep the flame of this ideal alive! By supporting the work of the FJC, you are helping to ensure that the church in the French-speaking world (and beyond!) can still be trained and equipped to respond faithfully to the Master's call.
Rodrigo F. de Sousa
Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament
Director of Master’s Program
Faculté Jean Calvin